Get Out of the Vacuum

For hundreds of years writing has been qualified as a solo endeavor.  Tortured souls holed up deep in the woods and in attics to bleed words into their pieces.  These days, however, writing has become a contact sport.  No, we aren’t tackling each other–most of the time–but we are making contact with other writers and our readers.

There are countless articles out there comparing the traditional and indie publishing worlds, and the line between the two is becoming increasingly blurry.  As a result, writing and publishing is becoming more accessible to more people.   Some see this as tragic market saturation.  I view it as a word renaissance!  I love words.  I love getting my own on paper and manipulating them, and equally love reading others’ creations.   Over the last year, I’m finding most writers are the same way.

Last spring I participated in Courtney Carver’s Goodblog Project.  I was–and still am–working on my first novel with the intent to self-publish.  I’ve been a blogger for years, but I knew it was time to trash the self-absorbed site and put together a professional blog that would offer something to others.  Courtney is a connection genius, and helped me discover how I could help people with my writing.  She taught me to value my work and the time I put into it.  Just because I’m not getting paid for it now doesn’t mean I never will, or that I don’t have something to offer the world.  As a result, this blog is here chronicling my journey to becoming a published author in hopes of encouraging others to reach for their dream.

I began reading Hugh Howey’s Silo Saga and went bananas for his writing.   When I discovered he was indie published, I started researching his story.  I discovered a very down to earth guy doing exactly what I want to be doing.  People say you should emulate those who are successful at what you want to do.  Like Courtney, Hugh is big into connection with his readers and fellow writers, and is probably has the most integrity of any celebrity out there.  When I grow up, I want to be like Hugh.

I mentioned in an earlier post the connections I’m making on Twitter.  My Twitter writing group has taken me out of my daily writing vacuum.  They give me encouragement to keep producing words, even if they aren’t all winners.  We love having new people join us.  You can find us at #SprintDaily.

I’ve also connected with newly published authors via Twitter and had the privilege of helping with their book launches and promotions, another way my blog is able to serve others.

I’m a very social person, so it quickly became evident I would not thrive in a writing vacuum.  I’m so grateful to Courtney, Hugh, and my #SprintDaily crew for getting me out of the vacuum.  My writing and my life is flourishing.  How will you step out and get connected?

4 thoughts on “Get Out of the Vacuum

  1. Hi! I just found my way here from Courtney’s blog, actually. I, too, am working on my first book, which I intend to self-publish. I love all the connections I’ve made in the blogging/indie writing community, and I don’t think I would even be attempting this, without all of the support and encouragement I’ve found.

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