Proud Mama

This year C is in second grade, and her reading abilities have skyrocketed.  In first grade she required Title 1 help, but this year she is completely caught up–I’ll find out at conference next week if she’s ahead or not.  She is exploring books in a whole new way.  Unlike me, she loves nonfiction.  If there is something that interests her, she wants to read about it.  On the other hand, she likes a good story, especially if it has some whimsy.

Yesterday was library day at school, but she didn’t have enough time to find a book she really wanted to read.  She grabbed a drawing book–she’s my little artist–but was frustrated that she didn’t have a chapter book.  So, after school we traipsed down to the public library.  We spent an hour reading together and finding just the right book for her to read on her own, and one for me to read to her.  When it was time to check out, she asked me if she could have her own library card.  I almost got a little misty.  My baby wanted her own library card!  Let me just say, she was glowing as the librarian, a young man with funky glasses and impressive tattoo sleeves, got her all set up and put the books on her card.

As we drove home, I got to thinking about the books she has really been into this fall.  Some are surprising to me, others not so much, so I thought I would share what my seven-year-old likes in case it provides some ideas to spark your child’s reading.  I plan to do this from time to time, so keep an eye on my book review page.

Stellaluna by Janell Cannon: A beautiful picture book about a baby fruit bat who is raised by a mother bird, and how she discovers what she really is and how she connects with the creatures in her world.

The Ramona Collection by Beverly Cleary: These were favorites when I was in elementary school, and I am so excited that C loves them now.  Ramona is a timeless character that kids and adults can relate to.

Daisy Meadows’s Fairy Books: Full of whimsy and girly fun. Kirsty and Rachel make friends with fairies and help them keep colors, holidays, and pets in line in the human and fairy worlds.

Junie B. Jones by Barbara Park: This sassy kid cracks up our whole family. I’m a little sad that C is reading these on her own now. They are great read alouds.

This is just a small sampling of what she’s reading these days. I’ll be sure to mention any noteworthy ones in the future!

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